Our Products


Sourced through our base of suppliers we bring the quality that meets our
customers needs. From grains as corn and soy, sugar, animal products as
meat, always aimed at quality at the best possible prices. With a supplier base
that goes to the source of the production chain, to the very farmers and with
our robust logistic infrastructure, brings these commodities to our customers
with quaity and expedience.

We are world marketers of commodities and goods. We source commodities and goods from our global supplier base to bring them to our customers all over the world. A full logistic enterprise, with storing, transporting by sea, rail and road, to deliver them to our customers within your time line and specifications to your needs. Through our marketing practices, we aim to provide a full one stop service for our customers, not only in production of commodities.

Through our own mine in the north of Brasil and a wide network of suppliers,
we source mineral productos, such a manganese ore, iron ore, copper ore,
from the extraction from the ground, through the processing stage, ready for
shipping to our customers across the world. With continuous shipments to
Asia, where we have been exporting since 2014, supplying our office base in
China and Japan where we have long term standing agreements with local